Federatia romana de haxball

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2 participanți



    Data de inscriere : 09/09/2011


    Mesaj Scris de Alex_fcsb Sam Sept 10, 2011 5:37 am

    Fiecare user ce se inregistreaza pe acest forum trebuie sa respecte urmatoarele reguli:


    Fiecare membru are un username unic, este interzisa folosirea clonelor (folosirea unor useri diferiti de catre aceeasi persoana).

    Username-ul, avatarul si semnatura trebuie sa se incadreze in limitele decentei.
    Incurajam folosirea corecta a limbii romane pe forum. Nu suntem de acord cu folosirea excesiva ale expresiilor dintr-o alta limba, cu exceptia cazurilor in care se impune citarea unor texte cu un continut relevant discutiei. Se interzice categoric folosirea pe forum a metodelor de exprimare gen mIRC sau Messenger ("tz", "sh", "k", etc.).
    Nu sunt admise discutiile offtopic (care nu corespund cu subiectul in care postati).
    Nu sunt admise mesajele agresive, umilitoare, denigratoare etc. FRH tolereaza ironia, gluma, prostul gust, slaba educatie, dar nu tolereaza atacul la persoana.
    Administratorii si moderatorii acestui forum au dreptul de a pedepsi toate abaterile de la regula bunului simt si de la regula "celor sapte ani de acasa" care nu sunt acoperite in mod explicit de prezentul Regulament.

    Nerespectarea regulilor de conduita ale forumului va duce la scaderea procentelor de incredere pana se va ajunge la ban.


    • 2 reprize
    • Time limit: 7 minute
    • Score limit: None
    • Stadium: Big
    • Nickname: trebuie sa fie acelasi ca pe forum
    • Se va folosi regula 3-MAN DEF

    * In cupa reprizele vor fi tot de 7 minute, insa in caz de egalitate se vor juca prelungiri (reprize de cate 5 minute), cu regula golului de aur.

    REGULAMENT FRH / RULES  3efee_10

    Numai trei jucatori se pot apara atunci cand adversarii se afla in atac. Al patrulea jucator nu are voie sa se implice deloc in aparare in propria jumatate, fiind interzisa absolut orice tentativa de incomodare a echipei adverse. Nerespectarea acestui reguli poate duce la pierderea meciului la masa verde!


    Echipele vor fi inscrise specificandu-se denumirea, emblema, capitanul, co-capitanul si restul lotului.
    Fiecare jucator trebuie sa scrie un mesaj de confirmare in topicul echipei sale din aceasta sectiune.
    Lotul unei echipe trebuie sa aiba minim 5 jucatori si maxim 10 jucatori.
    Capitanul va fi principalul responsabil pentru toate deciziile, iar co-capitanul va prelua atributiile capitanului in absenta acestuia.
    O echipa poate fi dezafiliata din FRH daca devine inactiva sau nu mai are suficienti jucatori in lot!


    Exista doua perioade de transferuri:

    • Sfarsitul sezonului - inceputul etapei a 3-a din urmatorul sezon
    • Sfarsitul turului - inceputul returului

    Transferurile se realizeaza doar in aceste perioade, exceptie facand jucatorii liberi, care pot fi adusi in orice moment al sezonului.
    O echipa poate transfera un numar nelimitat de jucatori liberi.
    Sunt considerati jucatori liberi cei din afara comunitatii sau care nu se afla in lotul unei echipe la expirarea perioadei de transferuri.
    Fiecare transfer trebuie anuntat de catre capitan sau co-capitan pe topicul echipei si confirmat de jucatorul respectiv cu minim o ora inainte de startul urmatorului meci!

    Jucatorii care parasesc o echipa in afara perioadei de transferuri nu mai au drept de joc pentru alta echipa pana la redeschiderea transferurilor.


    Se vor disputa in zilele de miercuri si duminica, orele oficiale fiind: 19:00, 19:30 si 20:00.
    Cu jumatate de ora inainte de inceperea meciurilor, capitanii sunt obligati sa testeze mai multe host-uri pentru a gasi unul cat mai potrivit pentru ambele echipe.
    In meciurile in care sunt implicati mai multi jucatori straini este recomandat sa fie ales un host neutru care sa ofere conditii echitabile tuturor.

    Daca una dintre echipe nu este prezenta pana la ora de incepere a meciului, cealalta echipa trebuie sa mai astepte inca 15 minute. Daca si acel termen este depasit, echipa prezenta va castiga la masa verde cu 3-0!
    Daca niciuna dintre echipe nu este prezenta, meciul trebuie disputat in termen de 7 zile, altfel va fi validat cu 0-0!
    O echipa poate alege sa joace 3vs4 pentru a evita o infrangere la masa verde. In caz ca al patrulea jucator apare in timpul meciului, acesta poate intra pe teren doar la pauza sau dupa inscrierea unui gol.
    Inainte de startul partidei, ambele echipe trebuie sa se asigure ca toti jucatorii aflati pe teren sunt pregatiti sa inceapa.

    Fiecare meci poate fi supravegheat de catre un membru al comisiei FRH. Toate deciziile legate de buna desfasurare a meciului vor fi luate de catre supraveghetorul prezent.

    Daca un jucator se deconecteaza in timpul meciului, trebuie sa se puna pauza imediat, apoi jucatorul va fi asteptat sa revina. Dupa reconectare, se va tine cont de pozitia in care se afla pe teren, pentru a nu oferi un avantaj nedrept echipei sale in aparare.

    Atunci cand situatia o cere, o partida poate fi intrerupta pentru a contacta un membru al comisiei FRH. Dupa primirea unui raspuns oficial, partida va fi reluata din minutul in care a fost intrerupta.
    Reclamatiile pot fi facute in acesta sectiune, prezentand explicatii clare si toate dovezile relevante (inregistrari, screenshots). Deciziile oficiale vor fi anuntate in acest topic.

    Fiecare echipa are dreptul la 5 wildcard-uri intr-un sezon.
    Wildcard-ul trebuie folosit cu minim o ora inainte de startul unei partide si permite reprogramarea acesteia in termen de 7 zile, noua data fiind stabilita impreuna cu echipa adversa.

    Meciul poate fi mutat si fara a consuma un wildcard, atunci cand ambele echipe sunt de acord.


    Se pot efectua doar la pauza meciului sau imediat dupa inscrierea unui gol. Timp de asteptare: 1 minut.
    Se poate efectua o singura inlocuire si in timpul jocului, dupa ce se pune pauza, daca un jucator are probleme de conexiune. Acesta are obligatia de a face printscreen-uri cu ping graph (Options - Show ping graph - Yes) pentru a le prezenta in cazul unei reclamatii. Jucatorul poate fi asteptat maxim 3 minute, dupa care echipa sa va fi nevoita sa il inlocuiasca!


    Dupa fiecare meci, trebuie furnizate urmatoarele informatii in topicul etapei din aceasta sectiune:

    • OBLIGATORIU: Rezultatul final
    • OBLIGATORIU: Linkul catre reluarea meciului uploadata pe www.haxballtube.com
    • OBLIGATORIU: Marcatorii
    • OPTIONAL: Link catre arhiva livestream-ului

    Daca nu va fi furnizata reluarea si nici cealalta echipa nu confirma scorul, rezultatul nu va fi luat in considerare.
    Asigurati-va ca unul sau mai multi jucatori din echipa inregistreaza intreaga partida, chiar daca aceasta este transmisa live!

    Victoria la masa verde (3-0) va fi acordata in urmatoarele situatii:

    • o echipa nu se prezinta
    • o echipa refuza sa joace meciul
    • o echipa are mai putin de 3 jucatori
    • motive disciplinare sau alte incalcari ale regulamentului!

    O echipa care inregistreaza trei infrangeri la masa verde va fi exclusa din competitie.


    Departajarea in clasament se va face in ordine dupa urmatoarele criterii:

    • Meciurile directe
    • Golaverajul
    • Numarul de goluri marcate


    Nu vor fi tolerate sub nicio forma iesirile necontrolate, insultarea adversarilor, deciziile luate la cald care afecteaza buna integritatea a ligii, neseriozitatea si lipsa fairplay-ului. Cine incalca aceasta regula va fi avertizat sau va fi exclus din FRH, in functie de gravitate.

    Cine foloseste macro va fi avertizat, iar echipa lui va pierde meciul cu 3-0 la masa verde.

    Lag spike-urile fac parte din joc si uneori trebuie acceptate, dar supraveghetorul are dreptul de a pune pauza atunci cand conditiile de joc sunt prea dificile. In cazul in care se marcheaza un gol in urma unui lag spike evident, fair play ar fi ca echipa care marcheaza acel gol sa isi dea autogol, insa acest lucru tine de caracterul si corectitudinea fiecaruia. Daca situatia o cere, supraveghetorul va interveni!

    O echipa exclusa din competitie va pierde toate meciurile la masa verde, inclusiv cele deja disputate.

    Cine nu va respecta regulamentul FRH va primi un avertisment la prima abatere si va fi exclus la cea de a doua!

    Ultima editare efectuata de catre Alex_fcsb in Mier Aug 29, 2012 4:42 am, editata de 1 ori

    Data de inscriere : 03/07/2012
    Varsta : 38
    Localizare : Romania


    Mesaj Scris de Dynamix Mar Aug 28, 2012 12:47 am


    All users that register on this forum and all teams participating in the FRH competition must read, understand and obey the following rules:


    Each member must have a single account, the use of clones/fakes is strictly forbidden!

    User names, avatars and signatures must be within decency limits.
    Please keep your messages as clear and clean as possible.
    Off-topic discussions are not allowed in any official topic, including those for news, teams and transfers.
    Do not cross the line between irony/humor and insults/aggressive replies, which will not be tolerated!
    The admins and moderators will punish any deviance from reasonable behavior, even if it is not explicitly forbidden in the rules.

    Breaking the forum conduct rules will lead to a repeated decrease of user confidence level and an eventual ban.


    • 2 periods
    • Time limit: 7 minutes - no overtime
    • Score limit: None
    • Stadium: Big
    • Nickname: must be the same as on the forum

    * Cup matches are played with the same settings, but in case of a tie after 14 minutes, overtime is played: additional 5 minute periods, with teams switching sides, until a goal is scored (golden goal).

    REGULAMENT FRH / RULES  3efee_10

    Only three players are allowed to actively defend in their own half when the opponents are attacking. The fourth player must not get involved, any attempt to block an opponent being strictly forbidden.
    Not following this rule can lead to a default loss!


    When signing up, teams must specify the name, logo, captain, co-captain and rest of the squad.
    Each player must confirm that he is part of the team in the thread from this section.
    Squad limits: 5 players minimum - 10 players maximum.
    The captain will be the the main person responsable for all his team's decisions. The co-captain can fill in for the captain in his absence.
    A team will be excluded from the competition if it becomes inactive or it no longer has sufficient players.


    There are two separate transfer windows:

    • End of the season - start of the 3rd round in the next season
    • End of first half of the season - beginning of the second half of the season

    Transfers can only be made in those intervals, with the exception of free players, which can join a team at any time during the season.
    A team can transfer an unlimited number of free players.
    A free player is someone new to the competition or that was not included in any team squad at the end of the last transfer window.
    Each transfer must be announced in the team thread by the captain or co-captain and must also be confirmed by the player at least one hour before the next match starts!

    A player that leaves a team outside the transfer window is not allowed to join another team until the next transfer window opens!

    5. MATCHES

    Matches are played on Sunday and Wednesday. The official times are: 18:00, 18:30 and 19:00 CET.
    30 minutes before a match starts, captains must test multiple hosts in order to find the most suitable one for both teams.
    In matches where several players from different countries are involved, it is recommended to find a neutral host which offers similar conditions for everyone.

    If a team is not present at match time, there will be a 15 minute waiting period. If the team still does not show up, their opponents will receive a default win.
    If neither team is present, the match must be played within 7 days, otherwise it will be validated with a 0-0 result.
    A team can choose to play 3vs4 in order to avoid a def-loss. Should the fourth player arrive after the match has started, he will only be able to play after a goal has been scored or at half time.
    Before the kick-off, both teams must check that all players on the field are ready to begin.

    Matches can be supervised by members of the FRH comission. If a supervisor is present, he will make any decision necessary to ensure the proper completion of the match.

    If a player disconnects during the match, the game must be immediately paused until the player returns. After rejoining, his original position must be taken into account, so as not to offer an unfair advantage to his team's defence when re-entering on the field.

    Whenever the situation demands it, a match can be stopped in order to contact the supervisors. After receiving an official response, the match will be resumed from the exact moment at which it was stopped.
    Protests can be made in this section, presenting clear explanations and all your relevant evidence (replays, screenshots). Official decisions will be announced in this thread.

    Each team can use 5 wildcards per season.
    The wildcard must be used at least one hour before match time and it allows to reschedule the match within 7 days. There must be a mutual agreement between teams regarding the new match time.

    A match can also be rescheduled without the use of the wildcard, if both teams are in agreement.


    Substitutions can be made at halftime or immediately after a goal has been scored. Waiting time: 1 minute.
    A single substitution per team can also be made during the game, after pausing it, if a player has connection issues. That player must capture screenshots with the ping graph (Options - Show ping graph - Yes). He will be given 3 minutes to resolve the problem, after which his team must replace him.


    After each match, the following information must be provided in the current round thread from this section:

    • MANDATORY: Final result
    • MANDATORY: Link to the replay uploaded on www.haxballtube.com
    • MANDATORY: Goal scorers for both teams
    • OPTIONAL: Link to the livestream archive

    If no replay is provided and the opponents do not confirm the result, the match will not be taken into account.
    Make sure that someone from your team is always recording the match, even when there is a livestream for it!

    Default loses (0-3) will be granted in the following situations:
    • a team does not show up
    • a team refuses to play
    • a team has less than 3 players
    • disciplinary reasons or any other form of breaking the rules

    A team with three def-losses will be excluded from the competition!


    Teams with the same number of points will be separated by the following criteria:
    • Head-to-head results
    • Goal difference
    • Number of goals scored


    We will not tolerate any uncontrolled outbursts, insulting other players, rash decisions which can affect the integrity of the competition, and the lack of seriousness and fairplay. Depending on the gravity, a player/team can be warned or excluded from the competition!

    It is strictly forbidden to use macros! In such cases, the player will receive a warning and his team will lose the match by default.

    Lag spikes are part of the game and sometimes they have to be accepted. However, if the playing conditions are obviously difficult for one or more players, the match must be paused! Should a goal be scored after a clear lag spike, the opponents should be fairplay and give that goal back. Capturing screenshots with ping graph is highly recommended in such situations. A supervisor will intervene if necessary.

    A team that was excluded from the competition will lose all of its matches by default, including already played ones.

    Failure to comply with these rules will lead to a warning at first and a ban from the competition afterwards!

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